What if YOU ENJOYED being on camera?
As a public relations professional, I have put clients in front of the camera since 2006. Clients often ask for tips on how to look their best on camera, what to wear and what NOT to wear, but it wasn’t until more recently that I started applying the tips myself to become more comfortable on camera. Now I love creating videos and online content, and I want you to as well. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
Download our free resources and get on camera fashion tips delivered right to you.
Schedule a one-hour virtual consultation with on-camera expert Stephanie Richards.
How much would your career or business grow if you felt great on camera?
My guess is probably a lot. What opportunities would open up for you?
Would you make more marketing videos?
Start a YouTube channel?
Seek media interviews?
Accept podcast interviews?
Speak up more in video conference meetings?
Show up on social media?
Become brave enough to stream your content LIVE?
Sell more successfully?